Which Simple Maintenance Tasks Can Improve AC Efficiency and Maintain Healthy Air Quality?
No homeowner wants to deal with a broken air conditioner on a hot summer day. You rely on your AC to keep your home cool and comfortable, no matter how harsh and humid the weather is outside. Too often, people don’t realize that something is wrong with their system until it breaks down, which is why preventative maintenance is crucial.
Replace/Clean Air Filters
Dirty air filters can become clogged and restrict proper air flow. This will cause your air conditioning unit to work harder to pump out cool air. This will not only put a strain on the unit, but will cause an increase in your utility bills. Additionally, dirty air filters retain dust and allergens that will reduce indoor air quality and can cause health issues.
Regular Inspection of Ducts and Sealed Areas
Leaks in air ducts and seals in and around air conditioning systems can cause you to lose valuable cool air, and let warm air inside. These openings can also allow mold, pollen, and other irritants inside that will affect indoor air quality. It’s important to have ducts inspected by a professional, while you can ensure that wall and window units are properly sealed.
Ensure the Thermostat is Properly Calibrated
One of the main reasons air conditioners don’t run efficiently is due to thermostats not reading the temperature accurately. Inaccurate temperature readings can cause an air conditioning system to overwork, and cause an increase in energy costs, while not keeping your home comfortable.
Clean Units and Clear Blockages
Regardless of the type of cooling units you have in your home, it’s important to keep them clean. Regularly wipe units down with a damp cloth to remove dust and debris. For hard to remove dust build up, consider using a vacuum with the appropriate attachment. Just as important is to keep the area surrounding the units free of any blockages like furniture, boxes, drapes, and anything else that can impede air flow.
Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance
Hiring a professional HVAC technician for regular inspection and maintenance is the best way to ensure that your air conditioning system is functioning at efficient levels and that your home maintains proper air quality. A technician will check filters, inspect coils, refrigerant lines, and clean and tighten connections. They will also check the thermostat, and oil motors and belts if needed.
Contact Fresh Air Flow for Expert HVAC Maintenance
If you’re looking for air conditioner maintenance or emergency repair from trusted and experienced professionals, the team at Fresh Air Flow is here to assist you with all of your heating and air conditioning needs.
Reach out for more information and to set up a maintenance appointment today!